Techniques for Economic Development Targeting (C2ER Training 2007)

Staff of Economic Development Research Group annually teach a one day training workshop on Techniques for Targeting Economic Development Investments, organized by the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER).

Workshop Purpose. The workshop is designed to help economic developers succeed through better use of available analysis tools. It offers a creative approach to identifying economic development targets, using quantitative economic analysis as well as a structured policy framework for selecting target industries that are right for your community or region. It covers issues including:

How to use economic analysis tools to identify potential business growth opportunities and targets;
identifying barriers holding back business growth & attraction, and designing action plans to overcome them;

Exercise in the target selection process using the Local Economic Assessment Package

Topics Covered

I. Analysis - Based Targeting Methods & Introduction of LEAP model
Overview of Targeting Analysis Techniques
Types of Economic Assessment Issues Covered
Basic Components of Analysis
History and Basis of LEAP Capabilities

II. Information Needed for Analysis
Published Data Sources
User Ratings of Local Resources & Facilities
Defining the Study Area and Comparison Areas

III. Targeting Exercise I: sequence of steps
Guided tour through LEAP analysis steps and review of results

IV. Local Competition Factors: evaluation forms
Self-Evaluation of Local Assets, Worksheet Exercises

V. Targeting Exercise II - sample study
Using LEAP to diagnose barriers, identify opportunities and explore scenarios

VI. Putting the Analysis to Work
Defining your Target List & Strategy Plan
Using the LEAP Handbook for Economic Development
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