
Economic Benefits of Freight Rail Investment on the Gulf Coast (Texas)

For the Gulf Coast Freight Rail District, EDR Group (now EBP) and Lodestar Logistics identified the delay and reliability costs associated with rail congestion and infrastructure constraints incurred by major rail-reliant industries in the greater Houston region. 

The analysis assessed the potential cost savings to businesses based on projects described as Planning Cases 1 and 2 of the Houston Rail Freight Study (HRFS). The study related improvements in delay ratios and other operating performance measures of the rail system – including proposed improvements identified as part of the regional rail plan – to the estimated economic benefits associated with proposed investments. The assessment also compared the potential benefits of improved reliability with benefits attributable to traditional benefit-cost assessments (e.g., travel time savings, safety and environmental/emissions improvements) and focused on quantifying the benefits of rail system infrastructure that improved the cost competitiveness of major rail-reliant industries in the greater Houston region. TREDIS was used to assess the regional economic impacts of proposed improvements on rail-reliant businesses in the region and for the benefit-cost assessment. Lodestar Logistics Corporation, a Houston-based logistics firm, assisted EDR Group in interviewing and assessing rail logistics for the Houston region.

To see a copy of this report and related Gulf Coast Rail District studies, click here. The EDR Group study, "Economic Benefits of Rail Systems Improvements: for Shippers in the Houston-Galveston Region", is listed under Studies/Plans/Documents.